Friday, July 29, 2011



I'm in the mood to write story about Ice Cream Seller Man.
He is the one who has a pacifying smile just like a peaceful feeling when we enjoy ice cream.
The Man who is very gentle as gentle as the texture of the soft ice cream.
The Man whose words are sweet  as sweet as the taste of sweet ice cream
The Man who become a bread winner for the family. 
#MoodInProgress: Finding The Chosen One For Me#


I did not own this picture, it is from
Saturday, May 29 2010 (On The Way Back Home---Hometown):
A young man riding a sport bike in front of me, this young man did not wear a helmet and speeding on the road. Perhaps he felt the road is his. He was turning his bike back and forth when an old man crossed the street. The old man was almost hit if he did not immediately back up a few steps. Fortunately, the old man was safe despite of the shout and the look on his face---he was very shocked. Even more surprising, the young man did not even apologize and stop his bike, but the most tragic was the people who saw it laughed at him.
Sunday, May 30 2010 (On The Way Back to Mataram):
A man with beard rode with a flat speed, neat with a helmet. Suddenly, there was a snake cross the road the man could not turn his bike directly in avoiding the snake to be hit. The man directly stop his bike and with a worried face he asked me "dead?" I shook my head, because the snake was still alive and crossed the road. "Alhamdulillah". And he turned his bike on and smiled because the snake still alive.

Subhanallah there are people who are maintaining the manners even if only with an animal. The man must know the manners to treat animals as the Prophet taught us, even the way to kill ants is taught by him---not allowed to burn---, slaughtering animals using a sharp knife so that they will not feel the pain too long. No wonder that God people who are knowledgeable few degrees compared to the others. People who know how to maintain a relationship with God, human beings and with God's other creatures.
Wallahu'alambishawab .....  
The truth comes from God, a mistake I made in this writing is purely come from me as a human being quoting wise word "Mistake is on human"



Global warming is the hottest issue in the worlds. COP (Conference of the Parties) were held in Bali last year. This COP called United Nation Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCC). UNFCCC is human’s hope to save the world by making a road map of the agreement related to the climate change. This is the hope of Kyoto Protocol that will expire in 2012.
UNFCCC is the agreement of World’s Conference in 1992 that was ratified by 192 countries in the world. The main purpose of this conference is to mitigating greenhouse gas in protecting the world from this dangerous for world’s climate. Unfortunately the agreement does not force the developed countries that produce high emission to mitigate their emission. In 1997, through the third COP (Kyoto) there was an agreement of the decreasing target of emission for Annex members about 5, 2 % green house gas under the baseline in 1990 during 1998 to 20112. But, again, there was no implementation of this agreement since this time. The rulebook of Kyoto Protocol was broke down by several developed country especially United State of America.
In 2001, through the sixth COP, new rulebook was made in German comprises the way to mitigating global warming and the rule of reducing emission for the country that ratified Kyoto Protocol.
As we know that, based on “common but differentiated responsibilities” principle in UNFCCC rulebook, the Annex I and non Annex I have different responsibility in mitigating global warming. Annex I is country that produce green house gas since Industry revolution, it was in 80-es era. Consists of 24 Highly Developed Countries and 14 Countries with Economies in Transition (Eastern and Central Europe Country). Meanwhile Non Annex I is countries that produce low emission with low economic development.
Global Warming, “Sign of the Last Day?”
In 70-es and 80-es decade the hottest issues in the world was Stars Wars, was only a dream. Before we find the exact place as a replacement of our earth that was too old --- some people said --- maybe human will not find the new place to live a life after the death of the earth. That will happen in a short time if the global warming is not mitigated and emission production still in high level. The scientist prediction, life of the earth will lasted just one century from now. Global warming is the most scaring thing that face by human in the world.
Climate change is happen because the increasing of the global warming that causes by green house effect. Green house effect is the increase in the average measured temperature of the Earth's near-surface air and oceans since the mid-20th century, and its projected continuation. The sun heat is being trapped by the emission so that it causes increasing of the world’s temperature. The gas that mostly dominant are: Carbon Dioxide (CO2), Methane (CH4), and Nitrous Oxide (N20), per fluorocarbon (PFC), Hydro fluorocarbon (HFC) and Sulfur hexafluoride (SF6).
According to the third Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) that was published in 2001, there was increasing of the CO2 amount in the air. And the recent report said that from 1990 – 2005, world’s temperature is increasing, it is about 0,15 – 0,30 degree.
There was climate change occurred significantly, the long lasting summer, the increasing of storm, flood, low amount of clean water, the world’s temperature is increasing. And the scariest thing is the eternal ice in Jayawijaya and Antarctic is melted. Then according to Queen’s University, Canada, the Antarctic temperature is 22 degree (its normal temperature is 2-4 degree Celsius). It was sooooooo scary.
Related to this fact, then, UNFCCC has some agenda to be discussed. They are: first, Joint Implementation; second, Carbon Trading, the last is Clean Development Mechanism.
CDM mechanism makes cooperation between Annex I country and Non Annex I country in mitigating global warming. But JI and CT give a chance between Annex I country to do the cooperation to gives fund to the Non Annex I countries.
This mechanism seems perfect in the surface but has lot of weaknesses in implementation. Since 1990 to 2001 Annex countries has already reduce their emission that affect to their GDP (Gross Domestic Product) decreasing, but on the other hand Non Annex Country increase their emission. Does the emission decrease?
The second weakness of this mechanism is about carbon trading. The Annex country that could not decrease their emission can give a fund to the Non Annex country. Therefore the emission is still in high position. Again, does the emission decrease?
The third problem in implementing this mechanism is technology transfer that will not success, is it possible developed country transfer their expensive environmental technology to the developing country without any charge? Again, there are no free things in the world. All things need money.
Climate change policy should gives justice to all countries. But economic reason --- maybe --- is the most obstacles in implementing this mechanism. And on the top of it the high production of emission country, United Nation of America till this time does not reducing its emission.
The exact thing is the poor country and developing country are not ready to mitigating global warming --- climate change. It was an irony, developing countries were forced to keep their forest and they could not take economic benefits from it--- their main income --- and on the other hand the developed countries with high emission just give limited fund to the poor and developing countries.
“Global Warming for the Global Warming” does not remind high emission production country to aware about this “sign of the last day”.
There is little country that acts as the core, the rest become a place to rely on, and lots of them become periphery. Indonesia?




Nowadays life becomes more modern. Modern life reflected from high mobility, high communication, and high technology. Globalization era forced us to communicate with some other people throughout the world. Then, we need one language to use as an international language.
Today, one language that can be an international language is English.
In this computer age, English is the only language that any one can understand. So to say, it has become as an ideal language for expressing our feelings. First, we have to learn the language and then we have to gain fluency in the language. Unless we have the fluency in English language, it would not be possible to work with the computer. If you do not know English, then you would be in need of a translator to do the job.
Not only to operate computer but also in trading with other people from other country, information sharing, and tourism. Therefore English is urgently needed to be taught.


Courses design is the process collecting the data about learners’ need that interpreted to make learners learn a special and particular material that suitable for them.
There are many different approaches to make a syllabus design. They are:
1. Structural is grammatical and phonological structure are the organizing principles – sequenced from easy to difficult or frequent to less frequent.
2. Situational is an approaches in syllabus design that situational – situations such as the bank, at the supermarket, at post office etc. from the organizing principles – sequencing by the like hood that student will encounter them
3. Topical when the approaches a certain topics such as food, health, clothing etc. form the organizing principles – sequenced by the like hood that student will encounter them
4. Functional, approaches when the function such as reporting, identifying, correcting, describing etc. are the organizing principles – sequenced by some sense of chronology or usefulness of each function (structural and situational sequences may be in the background)
5. Notional, the approaches of conceptual categories called notions (such as durations, quantity, location, etc) are the basis of the organization --- sequenced by some sense of chronology or usefulness of each notion (structural and situational sequences may be in the background)
6. Skill: skills such as listening for gist, listening for main ideas, listening for interferences, scanning, skimming, etc. serve the basis for the organization --- sequenced by some sense chronology or usefulness for each skill (structural and situational sequences may be in the background)
7. Task: task or activity based categories (such as drawing maps, following directions, following instruction, etc. serve for the organization sequenced by the importance of the tasks (structural and situational sequences may be in the background)
8. Mixed or Layered Syllabi: Mixed syllabi occur when author combine two or more types of the syllabi together. Layered have secondary or tertiary syllabi that operate underneath the primary syllabus.
According to Honore de Baizac there are three approaches in course design. They are:
1. Language-centered course design
This is the simplest kind of course design process. The purpose of this approach is to draw as direct a connection as possible between the analysis of the target situation and the content of the ESP course.
2. Skills-centered course design
This approach to ESP are well known and widely applied in great number of countries. Skills centered approach purpose is for get away from the surface performance data and look at the competence that underlies the performance. The basis of this approach derives form a distinction between goal oriented courses and process oriented courses.
3. A learning-centered approach
The approach based on the principle that learning is totally determined by the learner. Learning is seen as a process in which the learner use what knowledge or skills they have in order to make sense of the flow of new information. The purpose of this approach is students are being able to read the texts in their subject specialism.
The method of doing this needs analysis is a library research and using internet search (search engine). After collecting the data, the writer analyzes it by using content analysis. The result of this study is made in order to make a need analysis then make a syllabus.

Sujana, I Made. 2006. English for Specific Purpose: Course Reader 1. Mataram: English Education Department, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Mataram University
Qoyyimah, U., Achmad F. 2008. English for Professionals. Jogjakarta: Golden Book.


a. Noun phrase is a construction into which noun most commonly enter, and of which they are the head word, it is commonly called with “nominal groups”. The structure of a noun phrase consists minimally of the noun (or the subsitution of noun in example: pronoun).
b. Verb phrase is a group of verbs which together have the same syntactic function as a single verb and it is commonly being a predicate of the sentence. In example: He is coming, get up to etc.
a. Clause is a unit of grammatical organization smaller than sentence but larger than phrase, words and morphemes. Its type are: nominal clause, adverbial clause, dependent clause.
Example: he girl left after he came
Clause Clause
b. Sentence is the largest structural unit in terms of which the grammar of language is organized and it ha a type such as: declarative, imperative, interrogative, exclamative etc.
A subject is a major constituent of sentence or clause structure, commonly refers to agent or the doer of an action. For example:
The dog bit the cat
We are going to see the eight properties of subject ic Meriaq-Meriqu Dialect [MMD].
• S shows entity with independent existence. Subject is not occur in the VP but it is independent existence. E.g:
[1] Amat momot meco
Amat sit silently INT
“Amat so sit silently”

[2] Kajil jari petugas administrasi
Kajil is officer administration
“Kajil is an administration officer”
• S as a control co-reference
It is consists of pronoun, reflexive and null anaphor.
[3] Irah kaok diriq-n
Irah scratch herself-3SG
“Irah scratch herself”
[4] Side daos diriq-m
You pelang yourself-2SG
“You cut yourself”
[5] Aku empok diriq-kh
1SG hit myself-1SG
“I hit myself”
[6] Ite pade pantok dirikq-th
1PL hit ourself-1PL
“We hit ourself”
There are no difference in reflexive pronoun for the gender. Irah, Side, Aku, Ite functioning as control refpexive pronoun as objects. The markers of those are: “kh” for first person singular
“n” for the third person singular and plural
“m” for the second person singular and plu
“th” for the first person plural
[7] Ali mateq anak-n
Ali kill child-3SG.POSS
“Ali kill his child”
[8] Side pantok anak-m
2SG hit child-2SG.POSS
“You hit your child”
Ali and side control the possesive pronoun mark with “n”, “m”, “kh”, “th”
[9] Nie pade jauk beras daet kelak-ah
3PL bring rice and cooked-it
“They bring the rice and cooked it”
[10] Aku beli manok daet panggang-n
1SG bought chicken and 0 roast-it
“I buy a chicken and 0 roast it”
Nie and aku functioning as subjects control zero anaphors functioning as missing Subjects of the lower clauses.
• S control subject agreement. It is shown at the example below:
[11] (Aku) panggang-kh manok eto
1SG roast-1SG chicken that
“I was roast that chicken”
[12] (Nie) panggang-n manok eto
S/He roast-3SG chicken that
“S/He was roast that chicken”
In [11] and [12] Nie and aku is optional and it control verb agreement in term of the suffix “kh” and “n” reflects to the subject.
• S is a topic in unmarked construction that related to the NP. Knowing that S is a topic we have to use Wh- question.
[13] Saeq matek maling?
Who kill thief
“Who was kill the thief?”
[14] Dengan eto matek maling
Person that kill thief
“That person killed the thief”
• S is the target of an advanced process. Occur when the S is in the lower clause move to O position in the upper clause. E.g:
[15] Paran-kh jaet TV nyak
Think-1SG broke TV this
“I thought this TV is broken”

[16] Paran-kh solah cewek eto
Think-1SG beautiful girl that
“I thought that girl is beautiful”
Derived from [17] and [18] by deleting “anuq” and “ye”:
[17] Mu-k paran anuq jaet TV nyak
PASS-1SG think broke TV this
“I thought this Tv is broken”
[18] Mu-k paran ye solah cewek eto
PASS-1SG that think beautiful girl that
“I thought that that girl is beautiful
• S can be relativized but could not be clefted
[19] Ali saq mateq kanak eto
Ali REL kill child that
“Ali who killed that child”
The base form is:
[20] Ali mateq kanak eto
Ali kill child that
“Ali killed that child”
• S undergoes raising. NP is in the lower clause but apperars to be the S in the higher clause. See example below:
[21] Indah rue-n nyeken gedak
Indah seem-3SG CONT angry
“Indah seemed angry”
It is derived from:
[22] Rue-n Indah nyeken gedak
Seem-3SG Indah CONT angry
“Indah seemed angry”
• S is agent in unmarked construction functioning as the agent or the doer
[23] Amat matek maling
Amat kill thief
“Amat killed thief”
• S is agent in unmarked construction functioning as the agent or the doer
[23] Amat matek maling
Amat kill thief
“Amat killed thief”

It is a major constituent of sentence of clause structure, commonly associated with the receiver or the goal of an action. For example: The dog bit the cat. In MMD there are three properties of the object as you can see at the explanation below:
• O is inside the VP
In MMD some of has no marker for the active form but it is explicitly or zero markers of
[24] Dijah pantok basong
Dijah ACT.hit dog
“Dijah empok basong”
• O is outside the VP
[25] Maling paleq-n Indah
Maling run after-3SG Indah
“Indah run after the thief”
• O is able to become a grammatical S in the passive form.
[26] Pensil-kh te-beli siq Amir
Pencil-1SG.POSS PASS-thief by Amir
“My pencil was bought by Amir”
It is derived from
[27] Amir beli pensil-kh
Amir pencil-1SG.POSS
“Amir bought my pencil’
• DO is inside the VP
DO is inside the VP. The DO is an NP that follows the verb.
[28] Indah kirim surat leq Jamal
Indah sent letter to jamal
“Indah sent a letter to Jamal”
[29] Inaq beng kelambi leq Ipok
Mother gave cloth to Ipok
“Mother gave cloth to Ipok”
• DO is followed by IO
DO is followed by IO. After the DO, there comes another NP functioning as an IO marked with a preposition. This can be seen in this example.
[30] Inaq Seot kirim kaken-an leq ite
Mother Seot sent foods to us
“Seot’s mother sent foods to us”
• DO is preceded by IO
It means that there is a promotion of IO to DO position after the verb.
[31] Kakur pe-ngerem Lulu puisi
“Kakur sent Lulu a poem”
It is derived from
[32] Kakur kirim puisi leq Lulu
“Kakur sent a poem to Lulu”
• DO can be grammatical S in passive form
[33] Linda kirim pakean-n (Hasan) leq Lola
“Linda sent his cloth to Lola.
Derived to
[34] Pakean-n te-kirim siq Linda leq Lola
“His cloth was sent (by Linda) to Lola
• IO is marked with a preposition and follows the DO. Thus is ilustrated in
[35] Inaq beng kelambi leq Ipok
Mother gave cloth to Ipok
“Mother gave cloth to Ipok”
• IO precedes the DO. It is possible to promote the IO to DO position:
[36] Nie beng Hera Qur’an
S/He gave hera Qur’an”
• IO can be grammatical S after being promoted to DO position. Now the initial IO is promoted to S in the passive form
[37] Leman wa-n te-beng kelambi siq Ari
“Leman was given cloth by Ari



Intransitive verb devided into Unaccusative and Unergative. Accusative verb has derivational object that represented subject as a patient like in transitive verb. And unergative has subject derivational as an agent like in intranstitve verb. In this case we will examine those type of verb in Meriaq Meriku Dialect [MMD]. Examine the example of the two intransitive type below:


0- marker intransitive, circumfix se- -q in the transitive. See the example below:
[1] Amaq se-mate-q jaran
Father ACT-dead-TRAN horse
“Father kills the horse”
[2] Jaran mate
Horse died
“The horse died”
In MMD has nye- -q marker in transitive and 0 marker in intransitive, see the example below:
[3] Urah nye-mate-q ulah
Urah ACT-died-TRAN snake
[4] Ulah mate
Snake died
“The snake died”
Also in MMD has seng- in [5] and nyem- [7] marker and 0 marker in intransitive in [6] and [9], see example below:
[5] Indah seng-korak aiq
Indah ACT-dirty water
“Indah make the water dirty”
[6] Aiq korak
Water dirty
“The water is dirty”
[7] Juli nyem-polak batek
Juli ACT-broke big knife
“Juli broke the big knife”
[9] Batek polak
Big knife broke
“The big knife is broke”
Pe- marker in transitive and 0 marker in intransitive. You can see the example below:
[10] Kalis pe-lulus Jogas
Kalis ACT-pass Jogas
“Kalis make Jogang pass the exam”
[11] Jogang lulus
Jogang pass
“Jogang pass the exam”
0 marker both in intransitive and transitive, but the initial letter changes from ‘t’ into ‘n’ in [12], [13] and ‘b’/’p’ changes into ‘m’ in [14], [15] see the example below:
[12] Izza tulis surat
Izza ACT.write letter
“Izza writes a letter”
[13] Izza nulis
Izza write
“Izza is writing”
[14] Koror bace/pace buku
Koror book
“Koror read a book”

[15] Lele mace
Lele is read
“Lele is reading”
In MMD, has no changes in nasal sound, consider example below:
[16] Indah pe-ngondar aik
Indah ACT-full water
“Indah makes (the floor) full of water”
[17] Aik ngondar
Water full
“The water is full”
[18] Dora pe-nangis ariq-n
Dora ACT-cry young bro/sis
Dora pe-nangis Galuh young bro/sis-3SG.POSS
[19] Ariq-n nangis
Young bro/sis-3SG.POSS cry
His/her young bro/sis cries


Unergative identified with several markers.
Pe-ng- is transitive and ng-, nge- is intransitive. Consider these examples below:
[20] Amaq pe-ng-awin Bakri
Father ACT-TRAN-marry Bakri
“Father make Bakry marry (someone)”
[21] Amak ngawin
Father marry (make a couple to be marry)
[22] Gogon pe-nge-lakok Jerah
Gogon ACT-TRAN-ask Jerah”
“Gogon ask (somenone) for Jojon

[23] Gogon ngeraos
Gogon ask
“Gogon ask (someone)
Marker –q for transitive and marker be- for intransitive. Consider example below:
[24] Indah gutu-q aku
Indah flea-TRAN
“Indah take the flea (from my head)
[25] Indah be-gutu
Indah ACT-flea
? “Indah flaeing”
[26] Nia doro-q leah
Nia garbage-TRAN garden
“Nia make the garden dirty”
[27] Nia be-doro
Nia ACT-garbage
? “Nia make dirtiness”



Prose analysis is almost old as prose itself. One of the branches of prose is a fiction. Drama is one of a fiction form. This analysis will concern to Tennessee William Drama and focus on one character, Tom. Tom suffers from a frustration.
The play is not real, just a memory play use special effects like music. For Amanda memory is kind of escape, she always repeat the same story to her children that show she always escaping to her memory (she received seventeen gentleman caller) from the present fact; her hard situation being a single parent and unemployed because she chosed their father. But for Tom, memory is kind of thing that cannot be escaped.
In this explanation, we will discuss Tom’s characters and Tom himself that being a symbol in the play.
1. What are the characters of Tom in “Glass Managerie Play”?
2. What are the symbols that represent by Tom in “Glass Managerie Play”
1. Find the characters of Tom in “Glass Managerie Play”
2. Find the symbols that represent by Tom in “Glass Managerie Play”

a. Responsible Person
Tom viewed as a responsible person in his family. He worked in a shoemaker’s warehouse, earning money for his mother Amanda and his sister Laura. It is seen from his words “You think I’m in love with the Continental Shoemakers? You think I want to spend fifty years down there in that ceiotex interior! With – fluorescent – tubes! It shows that he extremely disliked his job, but he had to do this job for his family. Even at last he left his family behind, but the memory of Amanda and his crippled sister Laura haunted him every day “it always came upon me unaware, taking me altogether by surprise. Perhaps it was familiar bit of music. Perhaps it was only a piece of transparent glass…..” and “I reach a cigarette, I cross the street, I run into the movies or bar, I buy a drink, I speak to nearest stranger – anything that can blow your candles out! It shows that he was trying to escape from his family but it didn’t work. Something that unaware played his memory. It means that something under his awareness he still concern about his family’s life.
b. Ambitious Person
Tom is ambitious person SEEN FROM “Amanda: That hideous book by that insane Mr. Lawrence. I cannot control the output of diseased mind or people who cater to them – BUT I WON’T ALLOW CUSH FILTH BROUGHT INTO MY HOUSE! No, no, no, no, no! it show that Mr. Lawrence referred to D. H. Lawrence, Tom was interested in literary work . It was Tom ambitions. It also seen from Jim special call for Tom “Shakespeare”
And from the beginning of the play Tom wore merchant sailor that reflect Tom ambitions, it is related to other Tom’s word: “I like adventure…” he could not wait any longer to make his dream comes true “…But I’m not patient. I don’t want to wait till then. I’m tired of the movies and I’m about to move!” to move means that he wanted to go away from his family, and make change of his own life.
Ambitious man reflected from his words “I’m stating to boil inside. I know I seem dreamy, but inside – well, I’m boiling…” it means that his ambitions were in top of his mind. His ambitions were overflow and no one could stop it, even his family because he was already paid for The Union of Merchant Seamen.
c. Frustration man
Since his father escaped, Tom took responsibility of his family economy. It was hard for him. He loved his mother and sister, but he feels trapped at home. They are dependent to Tom as long as Tom still stays at home. It was make Tom become a frustrated man; try to escape from the reality to the illusion. Seen from “but I am opposite of stage magician. He gives you illusion that has the appearance of truth. I give you truth in the pleasant disguise of illusion” it means that he denied the fact; he tried to escape from the reality. Therefore every night he went to the movies to blow over his frustration.
“TOM: I’ll rise but I won’t shine” show us that he worked and life but could live a life. He rise but not shine. He worked but didn’t have spirit in his life. It was a frustration.
And here Tom’s other words that show his frustration, worked in warehouse.
“…..none of those instincts are given much play at the warehouse…”
“You think I’m in love with the Continental Shoemakers? You think I want to spend fifty years down there in that ceiotex interior! With – fluorescent – tubes!”

a. Frustration
i. Fire escape: he mentioned this word at the beginning of the play to inform us his condition, he used to escape from his tiny apartment and go to the outside world. And he went down to the fire escape and stood on the landing at the end of the play to show his position between his family and the outside world, between his responsibility and his ambition to live his own life and to reach his dream.
ii. Movies: Tom addicted to the movies reveals his need for fantasy of wonderful places outside his apartment and warehouse. He can only blow his frustration with movie; escape from the reality. He dreamed to leave his home and has own life.
iii. Magician Tricks: represent what tom wanted to do, escaping in a flash from his family, easy way escape. But the fact is not as easy as that way.
iv. Coffin: show his dead life. Being trap in coffin: trapped in apartment and his dark life. The magician is able to escape from the coffin without destroying single part of it nails; it that entire Tom wants, being escape without hurting his family by taking gentleman caller for Laura.
b. Responsible
i. Magician: he wanted to be like magician, got out of the coffin without removing one nail, it means that he wanted to escape go away) from his family that trapped him without hurting his sister or his mother “We nailed him into a coffin and he got out of the coffin without removing one nail”



In this discussion of Passivization, our group takes the data mostly from Sasak and Indonesian. It will deal with passive properties, canonical passive, inverted passive, accidental passive and adversative passive.

a. The subject of the passive clause is a direct object in the corresponding active.
[1] Huda mem-bunuh pencuri
Huda ACT-kill thief
“Huda kills the thief”
[2] Pencuri di-bunuh oleh Huda
Thief PASS-killed by Huda
“The thief was killed by Huda”
[3] Minah empoq Ali
Minah hit Ali
“Minah hit Ali”
[4] Ali te-tempoq siq Minah
Ali PASS-hit by Minah
“Ali was hit by Minah”
b. The subject of active clause is expressed in the agentive adjunct in the passive clause or deleted.
[5] Minah empoq Ali
Minah ACT.hit Ali
“Minah hit Ali”
[6] Ali te-tempoq siq Minah
Ali PASS-hit by Minah
“Ali was hit by Minah”

[7] Ali te-tempoq
Ali PASS-hit
“Ali was hit”
c. The verb in the passive clause can be marked passive or unmarked
[8] Juna sedòt-n siq Ali
Juna burn-3PS by Ali
“Juna was burned by Ali”
[9] Juna te-sedòt siq Ali
Juna PASS-burn by Ali
“Juna was burned by Ali”
Canonical passive marked with di- prefix on the verb and the agent can optionally omitted.
[10] Jojon me-mukul anak itu
[11] Anak itu di-pukul Jojon

[12] Anak itu dipukul-nya
[13] Anak itu dipukul
[14] Anak itu Jojon pukul

[15] Nie tembak keret
S/He ACT.shot bird
“She shoots the bird”
[16] Keret te-tembak siq nie
Bird PASS-shot by her/him
“The bird was shot by her/him”
[17] Keret te-tembak
Bird PASS-shoot
“The bird was shot by her/him”

Examine the following example from Indonesian and Sasak that follow the rule of inverted passive, that tested by adding the intonation break. Jojon pukul and nie tembak is one constituent where NP functioning as S and VP.
[18] Jojon me-mukul anak itu
[19] Anak itu di-pukul Jojon
[20] Jojon pukul // anak itu

[21] Nie tembak // keret
The canonical passive in Sasak can be added with –n post clitic to replace the object. For example:
[22] Nie tembak-n (keret)
S/He shot-something (that definite for the speakers and listeners, in this case suffix –n refers to keret “bird”)
[23] Endang getoq aku
[24] Aku te-getoq siq Endang
[25] Aku Endang getok
[26] Endang getok // aku

[27] Hamidah ter-perosok (precategorial)
Hamidah PASS-drop
“Hamidah was dropped”
[28] Dia ter-lempar dari bis (verb)
He PASS-throw from bus
“He was thrown out from bus”
[29] Dija ter-pukul kakak-nya (verb)
Dija PASS-hit bro/sis-3.POSS
“Dija was hit by his elder brother/sister”
Other example are: Terpesona, terlena, tertelan, terjaga (dari tidurnya), terbangun, termakan, and also with ke- prefix:
[30] Indah ke-jedot pintu (precategorial)
Indah PASS-clash door
“Indah was clashed the door”
There are three types of the markers for the accidental passive in Sasa. They are: prefix ke- te- and circumfix ke- -an. For example: te-pacol, te-ketik, te-belen, ke-lendes, ke-madeq-an .
[31] Agus te-belen
Agus PASS-left behind
“Agus was left behind”
The marker for accidental passive and canonical passive is te-.
[32] Ani ke-lendes
[33] Jundi ke-madeq-an
Jundi PASS-left behind-LOC
“Jundi was left behind”

Our group did find the adversative passive in Sasak, therefore we just give examples from Bahasa Indonesia.
[34] Dina ke-tahu-an nyontek guru-nya
Dina AD-know-APPL cheating teacher-3.POSS
“Dina was known cheating by her teacher
[35] Rumah itu ke-masuk-an maling
House DEF AD-enter-LOC thief
“That house was entered thief”
[36] Ke-maling-an



This relativization focus on Sasak Language especially in Meriaq-Meriku Dialect [MMD].

In MMD the Accessibility Hierarchy for NP follows Keenan and Comrie rule:
[1] SU > DO > IO > OBL > GEN > O COMP
For example:
[2] Maling eto matek mamiq-kh
Thief DEF kill father-1SG.POSS
“That thief kill my father”
[3] *Mamiq-kh saq maling eto matek
Father-1SG.POSS REL thief DEF kill
“My father whom the thief kill”
The right sentence is:
[4] Mamiq-kh saq maling eto matek-n
Father-1SG.POSS REL thief DEF killed
“My father whom the thief killed”
[5] Mamiq-kh siq maling eto matek-n
Father-1SG.POSS REL thief DEF killed
“My father whom the thief killed”

There are two markers for relativization in MMD, saq and siq. But siq only occur in NP accessibikity H and in Object Relativization.

In Meriaq Meriku Dialect sentence [4] the sentence is added by mu-n to produce the right sentence. Mu-n is marker for PAST and 3rd Person Singular or Plural.

In Meriaq Meriku Dialect, the NP functioning as S is very easy to relativize. Seen from the sentences below:
[6] Juni jual manoq
Juni sells chickens
“Juni sells chicken”
[7] Juni saq jual manoq panggang
Juni REL sells chickens roasted
Juni who sells roasted chicken”
Example [5] is the active clause and Juni which is preverbal is S. example [6] show the S relativization and saq is the relative marker of the clause.

In Meriaq-Meriku Dialect, it is not possible to relativize the object. Firstly, the NP functioning as O has to be promoted to become a grammatical S in the passive. For example:
[8] Juni jual manoq
Juni sells chickens
“Juni sells chicken”
[9] *Manoq saq Juni jual
Manoq REL Juni sells
“Chickens which Juni sold”
[10] Manoq te-jual siq Juni
Chicken PASS-sells by Juni
“Chickens were sold by Juni”
[11] Manoq saq te-jual siq Juni
Chicken REL PASS-sells by Juni
“Chickens that were sold by Juni”
But in Meriaq Meriku dialect we can also have another form of object realtivization after promoting the O to grammatical S [11] and become other form of object realtivization, examine example below:
[12] Manoq te-jual siq Juni
Chicken PASS-sells by Juni
“Chickens were sold by Juni”
[13] Manoq saq-n jual siq Juni
Chicken REL-3SG sells by Juni
““Chickens were sold by Juni”
[14] Manoq siq-n jual siq Juni
Chicken REL-3SG sells by Juni
““Chickens were sold by Juni”

There are two forms of relativization markers in MMD they are saq and siq.

There is no benefactive relativization in MMD.
The sentences below are the process of recipient relativization.
[15] Juni beng manoq eto leq Anjung
Juni give chicken DEF to Anjung
“Juni give that chicken to Anjung”
[16] Juni beng Anjung manoq eto
Juni give Anjung chicken DEF
“Juni give Anjung that chicken”
[17] Anjung te-tebeng manoq siq Juni
Anjung PASS-give chicken by Juni
“Anjung was given that chicken by Juni”
[18] Anjung saq te-tebeng manoq siq Juni
Anjung REL PASS-give chicken by Juni
Anjung who was given that chicken by Juni

It is possible in MMD dialect sentences have two relativization marker as long as the sentence has two argument. Examine these example:
a. NP accessibility Hierarchy
Cannot added with two markers of relativization
b. Subject Relativization
For example we take the example from [6] and [7].
[19] Juni jual manoq
Juni sells chickens
“Juni sells chicken”
[20] Juni saq jual manoq panggang
Juni REL sells chickens roasted
“Juni who sells roasted chicken”
When it doubled relativize, it becomes:
[21] Juni saq siq jual manoq panggang eto mati
Juni REL REL sells chickens roasted DEF die
“Juni who sells roasted chicken, died”
It means that Juni died
c. Object Relativization
Juni jual manoq
Juni sells chickens
“Juni sells chicken”
[22] *Manoq saq Juni jual
Manoq REL Juni sells
“Chickens which Juni sold”
[23] Manoq te-jual siq Juni
Chicken PASS-sells by Juni
“Chickens were sold by Juni”
[24] Manoq saq te-jual siq Juni
Chicken REL PASS-sells by Juni
“Chickens that were sold by Juni”
When it becomes double relativize, the form is:
[25] Manoq saq siq te-jual siq Juni, mate
Chicken REL REL PASS-sells by Juni
“Chickens that were sold by Juni, died”
It means that the chicken died
d. Oblique Relativization
The sentences below is the process of recipient relativization and markers doubling.
[26] Juni beng manoq eto leq Anjung
Juni give chicken DEF to Anjung
“Juni give that chicken to Anjung”
[27] Juni beng Anjung manoq eto
Juni give Anjung chicken DEF
“Juni give Anjung that chicken”
[28] Anjung te-tebeng manoq siq Juni
Anjung PASS-give chicken by Juni
“Anjung was given that chicken by Juni”
[29] Anjung saq te-tebeng manoq siq Juni
Anjung REL PASS-give chicken by Juni
Anjung who was given that chicken by Juni
When the above sentence added with two REL markers, it becomes:
[30] Anjung saq siq te-tebeng manoq siq Juni
Anjung REL REL PASS-give chicken by Juni
“Anjung who was given that chicken by Juni, died”
It means that Anjung died


12nd of June 2007
It was so hard, keeping my word. My word to my parent not to make a date. They were have a phobia of the word “date”. “You should not imitate your sister step!” said my dad one lousy day to remind me strictly. It was because of my sister have had boy friend and being kidnapped by hers. I thought it was the risk of being Lombok people. It was the tradition. There was not wrong but kidnapped your girl in the middle of her study. That was the fault.

5th of May 2008
“You know my heart through my eyes..”
I was starring bright through the window. I was re-opened file of Andi’s word and my father’s. I was hesitating in choosing my own freedom or my father’s words. Again, it was so hard. Soooo hard…… so hard for those people who was fall in love with someone, and he felt just the same as yours! What a shame, that people included me! I could not even say a single word to show your feeling to the person whom you love. It was like “The Sick Rose”. O Rose Thou Art Sick. Sick by invisible worm.

8th of May 2008
What a tiring day.
Three homework each day.
It was 12:45 pm, when academic writing class ended. I was in hurry to Musholla, wanted to take pray as soon as possible then preparing the material for the extensive reading class. My handphone was croak when I was reading Holy Al-Qur’an Viewer in my mobile. A message: Remind all o’ member of statement. Meetin’ at 2 pm. Avenue: C5. Agenda: English Family Day. Oh damn! Meeting at 2, class at 3, back home at 6 and on top of that I must prepare the dinner for sixteen people in my boarding house; my turn to cook! Astagfirullah…….God….so sorry I did not do it on purpose. Started from now, I’ll stop complaining.

9th of May 2008
Prose lecture. Describing your girl or boy friend. The most good-looking guy (my friends word) came forward and telling his girlfriend. “I know you wont believe what I said. But both of me and my girl ready to let you know what he fact. My girl is our class mate”. Suddenly the class became curious, either do I. he continued his “…mmmhh…both of us beg you pardon. Vene…I have said ours…”. What??? Me??? I couldn’t believe my ears…absolutely!
The whole class, looked at me and congratulated me. what an impudent statement! I tried to explain the truth but nobody hear me. “Edelweiss Veneeria, we know. You are in adaptation process, so just calm. Even we want Redi be ours but we are happy to hear that news”

11th of May 2007
I was on foot. My m-bike had been repaired. Suddenly the most freaky man that I’ve ever met. He seemed like omnipresent. “Where’s your m-bike?”
“Not your business”
“O.K. Mmmm let me take you home”
“No, I still have mine to walk”
He kept on following me. O God I could not help it anymore…

15th of May 2008
“I am not your girl!”
I was on the debate with him. I was so tired with this situation. Aaaaaaa……A card, flowers, gift, poem, song. He was threat me like dirt. I did not love him.

18th of May 2008
“Kak Redi…can I take your picture”
In a flash Redi became an artist for the new student of English Department. They said, Redi is the “TLMD”. Talk Less Do More. Talented person in everything. A good singer, a model, genius with 4 of his GPA, good-looking, and bla..bla..bla…
Hajrah heard me replied “Jealous?”

21th of May 2008
At home.
He rang me.
I put my phone on my table and use handsfree.
“Vene…I know your heart like my own….”
“I know you there, listen to my word…..”
“Listen to my every single word”
I wanted to turn my phone off, but I couldn’t do this because of my couriusity.
“All I asked just to know. Know your feeling just like mine”
“Vene….know I am standing outside your door”
“Please…say something even a single word”
I did nothing.

29th of May 2008
Funeral Day.
“ shouldn’t go to Red’s funeral. I’m afraid you’ll make the situation getting worse” I realized that it was no use forcing my sick body to his funeral. I got sick since I heard he got an accident that day when he came to my house.
“Din…but this is my fault. If…”
Dina cut my word
“No, it was his destiny. May I ask you one question?”
“Ya.. you may”
“I know your parent will angry if you make a date. But why didn’t you do it backstreet? What I am saying is, try to make someone happy”
“I don’t love him. If I love him, I’ll do it”
I know Dina was right. I did not go to his funeral. I was remember his poem:

You want to know
Do you want it now

I can come into your eyes
I can come deep into your price
Lestat, you are not you
You have to stop this

30th of May – 27th of June 2008
I need time on my own. The face of his tormented me. the smelt in the class smelt like his. I’ve never felt this way before. Everything that I did remind me oh he. But I did not love him. I meant it. Sometimes I saw him stand down there when I was on the third floor. I saw him smile at me and disappeared in a flash. Maybe it was only my imagination. And it almost made me mad.

28th of June 2008
I thought that this is only a fake. I punched my hand thousands time, but it wasn’t a dream. It was so silly in my 20th birthday I was going to mad. Maybe because of this, my friends then give me a big nice wrapped birthday gift.
I opened the gift and……..
It was Redi suddenly went out from the big gift.
Then I was remember nothing
I opened my eyes. I saw Dina. “Din it was only a dream? Wasn’t it?”
“No this is not a dream. Redi is not dead. It was only a fake. We wan to give you a special birthday gift. Redi doesn’t love you. He already has a girlfriend”
I hit all of my friend, Redi, Dina, Santi, Dika.
But I was happy…

Tuesday, July 19, 2011


Jerowaru is a story about isolation and darkness
Is about fear and braveness
Tells about the hunger
And also pacifying through the kids with metal plate and noodle box music
O ya, it is also about the white sand paradise beach and fish catcher kids

Pandan Wangi-Pemondah-Jerowaru
Memory in Jerowaru Day 14th

Kalo diterjemahkan ke dalam Bahasa Indonesia akan jadi seperti ini kira-kira:

Jerowaru adalah kisah tentang kegelapan dan keterasingan.
Juga tentang ketakutan dan keberanian.
Ia juga berkisah tentang lapar yang kadang datang dan pergi begitu saja.
Dan ia pula menenangkan dengan dendangan anak-anak yang bermain musik piring besi dan kardus bekas.
O ya juga tentang pantai surga pasir putih dan anak-anak penangkap mujair.

Pandan Wangi-Pemondah-Jerowaru
Memory in Jerowaru Day 14th
Kisahnya berawal dari sini nih, cekidot:

Bekerja di sebuah perusahaan multinasional yang menuntut profesionalisme memang sulit, disini serba yang namanya “multi-tasking”. Minggu ini mungkin saya kan menghadapi hama, pestisida, herbisida, bahkan pupuk kandang! Minggu depannya mungkin berkutat dengan marketing, sosialisasi, translation, meeting, bahkan bertemu ustadz-ustadz! Minggu depannya lagi berkutat dengan petani, ketua kelompok tani ataupun dengan ibu-ibu tukang tampi!
Suatu hari tiba-tiba saja big boss menugaskan untuk memberikan training ke salah satu Manager kantor cabang yang letaknya di pelosok dunia antah berantah. Tak tanggung-tanggung saya bertugas disana selama sebulan! Sudah terbayang betapa menderitanya disana. Dan betul saja, hari pertama kulalui dengan kasur yang berdebu (tanpa bed cover), toilet pesing---karena tak ada air, listrik yang dating dan pergi---karena kantor sewaan tersebut dicanteli oleh tetangga, sekolah dan juga si pemilik rumah, belum lagi masalah nyamuk yang sebesar lalat. Sungguh hari-hari saya lalui dengan penderitaan, mulai dari telat makan---warung nasi terdekat jaraknya lima kilometer---sampai dengan menikmati badan yang bau bangke---instalasi air belum jadi. Dengan seluruh amarah yang menjadi-jadi akhirnya saya sms bos

“I never regret to work in this company, but why person like me is treated like this? No water to drink, to water to take shower, no electricity, no bed cover, no nothing! Why they did not prepare everything before I stay here?

Dan besok paginya sebuah mobil Nissan Frontier sudah bertengger di depan kantor membawa semua perlengkapan yang aku keluhkan semalam. Bosku memang baik hati.   
Ya seperti sebuah lagu, hari berganti hari, saya sudah merasa kebal dengan halangan dan rintangan di lapangan sampai hari ke 14---hari terakhir tugas di kantor cabang selesai karena bos lebih banyak membutuhkanku di kantor pusat. Dan dihari terakhir itu, terciptalah puisi di atas.  

Ditulis Untuk Mengumpulkan Puing-Puing Kenangan Bersamanya
Mataram---Di Pojok Ruangan Kerja
6:47 PM
Terima Kasih---Thank You---Xie xie---Gamsahabnida

We Are---Different

We Are---Different
In line with the Bacon
Between East and West
And heart knew it I guess

It is not a Luck
Nor the ruck
It is only The Hug
Mark with The Bug

The who made me mad
He who makes me sad
Now---I should realized
He---I should memorialize

We Are---Different
Along with the Current...

Lale Fatma Yulia Ningsih
Mataram February 15, 2010---Through Deep Thinking