Thursday, August 25, 2011

People of Never Smile Country...
Freeze : I found a man with very beautiful face ever! He said because he has the "smile"
Alfard : You must be kidding me, smile only owns by King and Queen of this country, and their family of course.
Freeze : He even has the most beautiful smile, he can be King, but we have to find Never Land first and he can be a King.
#Hasilnya Kalau Lagi Galau#


  1. karena mbak sudah ngoment dikit.
    saya juga ngoment dikit ya :D
    slm kenal sesama penyuka pantai :D

  2. Hoho, baeklah anak muda!
    Saya jadi heran kenapa para penulis yang saya kenal banyak yang keren-keren dari Sulawesi ya???

    Bagus2 tulisannya anak muda..
    sedangkan saya masih merangkak...
    Can I have your facebook account?
    Thank you...

  3. hohohohoho... man of neverland.... wirosableng atau peter pan? wkwkwk... love that phrases..

  4. yang diatas blog ane yang lain. mase ngutak ngatik... he.. kapan2 kita makan ice cream bareng sambil menyusun kata...

  5. @Parlina Win and Win: Ayoo...kapan neh? Tunggu motor ane yang baru keluar DRnya ya? Ane punya sahabat baru ne dalam mengarungi kehidupan, welcome my new bike...wkwkwkwk
